aus visa student

How Long Does It Take To Get an Australian Visa?

Australia is one of the most unspoilt, scenic countries on earth. On one hand, you have the vast expanses of outback to enjoy whereas on the other, you have some particularly vibrant, cosmopolitan cities to enjoy. Australia has an incredibly good standard of living too. Add this to the fact that workers are paid a living wage rather than just a minimum one and the prospect of living and studying in Australia just looks better and better.

You see, you’re rewarded for your hard work in this country. If you’re willing to put in the time and the hours, you’ll find that you can significantly better your life here. There are some beautiful regional locations that are actively attracting new skilled migrants to contribute to their growth. What that means for you, if you’re hoping to get a student visa, is that there has never been a better time to apply. And, when you get here, you can find out for yourself why Australians are known as some of the friendliest people on earth!

One aspect of the country that so many international students appreciate is that the culture of the country is incredibly diverse. In fact, the population is an amazing blend of multi-ethic backgrounds. All this and more just goes to show that migrating to Australia is a positive, life-changing option for so many international students.

I’m Interested in Getting a Student Visa

You are required to obtain an Australian student visa if you’re planning on beginning a course of study here. It is one of the requirements, including holding a valid passport, that will enable you to gain entry to the country as a foreign student. You also need to ensure that you obtain a visa that matches your intended course of study so that everything runs smoothly.

In terms of time, there are various factors that could have an impact on how long it will take your student visa to be processed. In some cases, it may only take 24 hours, however, if more information is needed or you haven’t met the requirements, things often do take longer.

Australian Student Visa Checklist

An integral aspect of the Australian visa checklist is ensuring that you have a FORMAL acceptance from an Australian education facility. What this actually means is that rather than just enrolling in any course at all, the one you choose needs to be acceptable to the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

Thankfully, once you are accepted and you’ve been enrolled, the education provider will issue an electronic confirmation of your certificate of enrolment. You need to then include this in your student visa application. You’ll then need to wait until everything is processed bearing in mind that the acceptance and enrolment time is dependent on the school you apply to.

Qualifying Courses

There are various qualifying courses available for international students in Australia. These include:

  • Primary and secondary schools with approved exchange programs
  • Independent English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS)
  • Higher education
  • Vocational training and education
  • Postgraduate research
  • AusAid for Australian Government sponsored students
  • Non-award

Australian Student Visa Documents

Typically, students need to submit the following:

  • Paid visa application fee
  • Completed Australian student visa application form
  • Letter of Offer or Certificate of Enrolment
  • Copy of passport biodata page (on some occasions you may be expected to provide your physical passport)
  • Criminal record check results
  • Evidence of sufficient funds
  • English proficiency test results
  • Evidence of health insurance cover
  • Four recent passport-sized photos

Key Requirements

It’s crucial that you have the money readily available to pay for all of your tuition, travel and living costs while living in Australia. So, you need to be able to prove this without exemption. In addition, student visa applicants need to pass an English language exam and must never have breached immigration laws.

Standard Requirements

As standard, to obtain your Subclass 500 Student Visa, you need to be in good health, of good character and to have a health insurance policy that’s been arranged through the Overseas Student Health Cover. If these conditions aren’t met, it could lead to your visa being rejected, so its important to be as honest as possible when making your declarations. Also, you cannot get a visa if you owe any money to the Commonwealth of Australia. And, if you’re wondering about your living arrangements, you need to have somewhere in place before you arrive in the country.

Processing Times

It’s impossible to give you an exact processing time for any one particular visa as each situation is different. One thing we would say is that things will move more quickly if you meet the above requirements as rapidly as possible. The one way to ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible is by playing your part. Bear in mind that if your native language is not English, your best option in terms of your documents is to have these translated into English by a reputable translation agency. Also, each document translated must be certified by the translator. This is extremely important.

You should begin the Australian student visa process as early as you possibly can. Generally speaking, you should always allow at least 12 weeks for your Subclass 500 student visa to be processed, so you’re ready to go when your course starts. You don’t want to make lots of arrangements and get your heart set on moving to Australia to study for everything to fall through because you’ve acted too late or your paperwork isn’t right. Just get things put into place in plenty of time to avoid disappointment and delays.

This may all sound like a lot of arranging and paperwork. However, it’s well worth it. Becoming an international student in Australia will open up a whole new world of exciting possibilities that you may never even have considered before. You’ll have the opportunity to meet new people, learn new skills, to gain a qualification and to enjoy life more than you perhaps ever thought possible. Good luck on your new Australian journey!

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