When you enrol on a course and obtain your Australian student visa, you can start looking for campuses. Since you will be spending a lot of time there, choosing the right one for you is of vital importance. How to find a campus that suits your needs? Our best tip is to do thorough research online and find as much information as possible on each available option. Here is what you should be looking for!
The Location
Campuses can be located in the heart of a city or one of the tranquil suburbs, but they can also be nestled in a rural area. Where do you see yourself? If your university is located in Sydney, Melbourne or any other big city, you’ll want to be close to the main tourist attractions, restaurants and shopping destinations. However, some students prefer living closer to sun-drenched beaches, or they rather choose locations that feel more intimate. Proximity to your faculty buildings, costs of living and public transport options are also important things to consider. Keep in mind that the most popular campuses are harder to get into, so begin your search as soon as you obtain your visa subclass 500.
The Size
University campuses in Australia vary in size greatly. Some of them can accommodate over 30,000 students, while others take just a few dozen. A big, buzzing place crammed with students is usually the most popular option because it gives you plenty of opportunities to meet new people. On the other hand, you might feel much more peaceful at a smaller campus.
Facilities and Services
Research all the campuses to find out which facilities and services they are offering. The biggest campuses in Australia often resemble mini towns boasting everything from restaurants and gyms to hairdressers, while small ones provide only a handful of services. But it is not always the question of lifestyle choices. If you need to be close to a specific facility that is tailored to your field of study, then your choice of campus will depend on its location.
Researching different on-campus and off-campus accommodation options should be your first priority when you get your student visa 500. Check availability and prices, and try to find an option that suits your budget. Ideally, you could find adequate accommodation at one of the campuses which also has a good location and plenty of facilities you’ll be able to use.
Try to find some information on security services at the campuses. Are they generally safe? Do a little online investigation to find out whether the campus is well lit at night time and whether it is close to public transport. Ideally, there will be services such as night escorts, shuttle busses and emergency telephones.
It is also important to find out who will you be staying there with. Is it a younger or older population? Are they mainly locals or international students? Coming from another country, you’ll feel better in a multi-cultural environment and among students that are around your age.