How to choose a course

How to Choose a Course: Tips for International Students Who Don’t Know What to Study

Not sure what to study? There are plenty of fantastic courses in Australia for international students, but it is important to choose the one you find interesting and useful for the career path you have in mind. It is a big decision to make, so let us help you with five great tips that will make it easier to decide.

1 – Focus on Study Areas You Like

Some students are tempted to choose certain fields of study just because they can secure a successful career and well-paid jobs, but it is best to focus on study areas you actually find interesting. Whichever course you are considering, ask yourself if it is something you will be able to do for the rest of your life. Are you excited about this course? Is it something that matches your skills and talents? In Australia, courses for international students vary from Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Technical and Further Education (TAFE) to various undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Whichever option you choose, you are sure to find subjects you’ll be interested in.

2 – Get to Know the Industry You Want to Work in

One of your primary concerns should be choosing your best possible career path. When applying for a student visa, courses that are more likely to lead you to permanent residency are the ones that will leave you with the skills and knowledge wanted in Australia. When considering applying for a specific course, always think of how it can prepare you to work in a specific industry. You need to become informed on which types of jobs are available, what the salary range is and how easy it is to get a suitable position in the industry.

3 – Do a Generalist Degree

If you are not sure which course you are interested in or which industry you could fit into, you can start by choosing a broad field of study such as science, IT, business or arts. You’ll be able to combine different subjects and get the flavour of various study fields before you choose only one and complete a major in that area.

4 – Do a Two-Part Degree

Many Australian universities and other educational institutions offer you the possibility to do a two-part course. This means that you can pick a broad study area such as health science and choose a subject area that is more specific. It is the best option for students who have a general idea of what they want to study, but they need more time to choose a profession they will commit to.

5 – Take a Short Course to Try a Field of Study

You can always begin with a lower level of qualification before you decide if that is the field you are interested in. For example, a six-month course in accounting will help you decide whether you want to do a two-year advanced course in this field. If you don’t like the experience, you can do another short course or pick your second favourite option, and if you do enjoy the program, it is easier to transfer to a higher-level qualification through a pathway.

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